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English translation for "statistical methods in economics"


Related Translations:
statistical noise:  统计噪声杂乱噪声
statistical sum:  统计和
statistical figures:  统计数学统计数字
statistical staff:  统计工作人员
statistical research:  统计研究
statistical universe:  统计总体
independence statistical:  统计独立性
statistical stable:  统计稳定性
statistical variable:  统计变量
statistical geochemistry:  统计地球化学
Example Sentences:
1.Statistical methods in economics
2.All students will be expected to have successfully completed introduction to statistical methods in economics and econometrics ( or their equivalents ) as well as courses in basic microeconomics and macroeconomics
3.All students will be expected to have successfully completed introduction to statistical methods in economics and econometrics ( or their equivalents ) as well as courses in basic microeconomics and macroeconomics
所有学生都被要求要成功地修毕“经济学中的统计方法入门”和“计量经济学” (或者与它们相等的课程)以及基本的微观经济学和宏观经济学课程。
Similar Words:
"statistical measures" English translation, "statistical mechanics" English translation, "statistical method" English translation, "statistical methodology" English translation, "statistical methods" English translation, "statistical model" English translation, "statistical model of nucleus" English translation, "statistical modol" English translation, "statistical moment" English translation, "statistical moment analysis" English translation